Classrooms have the potential to be interactive forums where questions and answers flow freely. Instead, silence often prevails. Students either hesitate to ask questions at all, or several students approach their teacher with the same question over email. Sound familiar? Understanding the underlying causes of this phenomenon is the first step to breaking the stigma around asking questions.
Why don’t students ask questions?
1. Fear of Judgment
Students worry their questions might be considered ‘stupid’ or ‘obvious’ by their peers or even by their teacher. This fear is paralyzing, leading to a preference for silence over the risk of embarrassment.
2. Peer Pressure
Peer perception matters to learners of every age. The pressure to conform discourages questions, especially in large classes.
3. Low Self-Esteem
Lack of confidence also contributes to silence. Students sometimes feel alone in not grasping the material. Asking a question might expose their shortcomings.
4. Cultural Factors
In some cultures, questioning authorities is seen as disrespectful or inappropriate. Students from such backgrounds naturally refrain from asking questions in class.
5. Previous Negative Experiences
A student who has been ridiculed or harshly corrected after asking a question in the past will hesitate to participate in the future.
6. Online Learning and Large Class Sizes
The less personal and more intimidating environment of large and virtual classes makes students less inclined to speak up.
7. Lack of Preparedness
Finally, absence and inadequate preparation leaves students feeling lost and unable to formulate relevant questions. Left alone these students are at risk of failure.
How to Encourage Students to Speak Up
It’s crucial for students to be aware that questions are a fundamental part of the learning process. It’s more than likely that peers have the same issues.
By validating every question, teachers create a welcoming and supportive environment that encourages student inquiries. Here are several strategies that foster open classroom discussion:
1. Active Listening
Show genuine interest in student questions. Maintain eye contact, smile, nod, and use verbal acknowledgments like “I see,” or “Interesting question.”
2. Positive Reinforcement
Use encouraging words. Phrases like “That’s a great question,” or “I’m glad you asked that,” can boost a student’s confidence and encourage further inquiry.
3. Provide Thoughtful Responses
Even if the question is off-topic or the answer is unknown, respond thoughtfully. By saying, “That’s not something we’re covering today, but let’s explore it briefly,” or “I’m not sure, let’s find out together,” you provide positive reinforcement.
4. Build on Their Questions
Use student questions as a springboard for further discussion. This shows that their question is valuable and contributes to the learning experience of the whole class.
5. Avoid Dismissal
Never dismiss a question as silly or irrelevant. If it’s not appropriate for the moment, acknowledge it and suggest revisiting it later. There is no such thing as a bad question!
6. Creating an Inclusive Environment
Ensure that all students feel comfortable asking questions. Set ground rules about respect and consideration in the classroom.
7. Feedback Loop
After answering, check back with the student to ensure their question was adequately addressed. Ask if they have any follow-up questions or need further clarification. “Does that fully answer the question for you?”
8. Encourage Peer Responses
Involve other students in responding to a question to build a collaborative learning environment.
9. Provide Anonymity
SafeAsk™ Anonymous Q&A, REACHUM’s anonymous discussion tool, allows students to ask questions anonymously. Shielded from embarrassment, lively classroom discussions ensue while teachers maintain full classroom control.
By using these strategies, teachers not only validate student questions but also cultivate a classroom atmosphere that values curiosity, encourages critical thinking, and supports collaborative learning.